Most of you who know me, know I have been part of the San Francisco Writers Conference for 10 years. A friend of mine asked me if I would like to volunteer , and I was so excited. The conference was then held at the St Francis Hotel, and I loved every minute of it.

Here is a photo of the volunteers for that year! 2005.
The only two from this photo who are still volunteering, are Kate Farrell, and myself. I am sure we are missing a few people in this photo. We have 75 volunteers, so it is a big crew. As the Volunteer Director, I must say our volunteers do an amazing job.
We could not put on this wonderful event without all of their help.
Kate is the current President of the Women’s National Book Association, SF Chapter, and I am the former President. The SFWC is how I discovered the WNBA-SF Chapter, which is an organization I love dearly. You can visit our table at the conference to learn more.

2005 San Francisco Writers Conference Volunteers

I look forward to this event every year. It feel like a class reunion. If you have never been to the conference, you are missing a great event.
If you cannot make it for the entire conference, we now offer classes that are open to anyone to sign up for on Thursday and Monday. Click here to view the schedule.

I will be teaching “WordPress for Newbies” on Monday. Enrollment is limited so sign up now.


Bring Your Laptop, Leave with a Blog | This course includes 10 instructional videos with unlimited access and no experation date. These videos cover all the basics and are there to help you learn and remember what we will work on in class.

Linda Lee, WordPress TotalTraining

You will receive the login to your WordPress test site before class. We will build your website together on the test site, and you will have access to the site for 90 days. The course requires a computer, preferably with a mouse. iPads and notepads are not the best choice. The course includes a video that covers the basics we work on together during the class. You will receive directions and a prep sheet when you sign up

You will learn:

  • How to set up a free WordPress website
  • The difference between self-hosted WordPress website?and a free one on
  • How to set up pages and posts, add images, and use widgets
  • Search-engine optimization basics and writing an effective, search-engine-optimized post or page
  • What plugins are and how to use them??

I love teaching people how to use WordPress, and no matter what your skill level, you will learn the basics by the time you leave.
Please join me on Feb 17th, at the Mark Hopkins Hotel for this half day class.

See you there!

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