
WordPress design and website by Linda Lee Askmepc

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging software, not fight it. WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on hundreds of thousands of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. The GPL from the Free Software Foundation is the license that the WordPress software is under. The WordPress platform is easily adaptable to all types of websites, from blogs to e-commerce storefronts. Here’s what you need to know about the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS). If you want to create a successful website, you’ll need to start with the best platform you can find. This is easier said than done — since there are so many options available for building your new site, it can be hard to know what platform to choose. While there’s no […]

Free Images, Copyright Free Images and Resources Online

How and where do I find free images or copyright free images for my website? Websites need images. For pop, color, interest, and direction. Images enhance your website and also if you set them up correctly , they are tools for SEO, (Search Engine Optimization). I update these sources as needed and add new ones all the time. Some of these may take you to istock or a paid image source. Many of them are only one to five dollars. Use Creative Commons-Licensed Images When googling for an image, add “Creative Commons” to the search. Use images that have a Creative Commons (CC) license. However, be aware that a CC license is just that: a license. You need to read its terms and conditions and see what it allows or not.? Not all CC licenses allow the same uses. A CC license may allow use as-is, in a remix, or as part of a new work. In some cases a CC license requires attribution of the copyright owner. Download Free Stock Photos “We have over 100,000 completely free images on the site, over 20,000 of those are exclusive to us. We are also adding new images to our library daily and […]

Tell your age from a photo, how old do I look?

Microsoft has revealed a new website that claims to be able to work out someone’s age just from just a picture. Called  How old do I look, it allows people to analyze any image found on Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, or upload their own.  Tell your age from a photo, and ask yourself, how old do I look? It even allows users to search for celebrities – and see what Microsoft thinks their real ages are. It is fun to use, but the ages vary wildly. People uploaded photos taken of them on the same day and got a huge variance in the age it said they were. The developers said,  ‘We wanted to create an experience that was intelligent and fun could capture the attention of people globally, so we looked at the APIs available in the Azure Machine Learning Gallery,’. The system works by analyzing 27 points on the face. Called face landmarks, they are a series of specifically detailed points on a face; typically points of face components like the pupils, canthus or nose. ‘These attributes are predicted by using statistical algorithms and may not always be 100% precise.  Still it is quite fun to try out. Hint […]

quitting facebook-should you do it

99 Days of Freedom Experiment- Quit Facebook and report happiness

Would you be happier if you were off of Facebook? This Dutch nonprofit initiative has created a website, 99 days of freedom, and  is asking people to try their own experiment. My own kids left FB years ago. On their own. They felt like the fights, the gossip and the drama was not worth it. All three of them say they are quite happy to not be on Facebook. Most of their friends are not on anymore either. The young people who still use it, tell me it for family and to keep in touch with their grandparents and family. How they use it has changed dramatically. The young people I am speaking with are college age and high school. Most of them use Instagram and snapchat to communicate now. Facebook paid one billion dollars for Instagram in 2012, so they  found a way to get  back and keep those kids who have migrated to Instagram. Do you ever wonder what life is like without Facebook? In response to Facebook’s controversial mood experiment involving some 700,000 unwitting users, we present you 99 Days of Freedom; an online study on how life without Facebook impacts user happiness. Joining is very simple: follow our three […]

San Francisco Writers Conference | WordPress Training Class

Most of you who know me, know I have been part of the San Francisco Writers Conference for 10 years. A friend of mine asked me if I would like to volunteer , and I was so excited. The conference was then held at the St Francis Hotel, and I loved every minute of it. Here is a photo of the volunteers for that year! 2005. The only two from this photo who are still volunteering, are Kate Farrell, and myself. I am sure we are missing a few people in this photo. We have 75 volunteers, so it is a big crew. As the Volunteer Director, I must say our volunteers do an amazing job. We could not put on this wonderful event without all of their help. Kate is the current President of the Women’s National Book Association, SF Chapter, and I am the former President. The SFWC is how I discovered the WNBA-SF Chapter, which is an organization I love dearly. You can visit our table at the conference to learn more. I look forward to this event every year. It feel like a class reunion. If you have never been to the conference, you are missing […]

Natalie-Coleman_Wins Masterchef 2013

Do you use Twitter? Sometimes fun things do happen.

Twitter. Ah twitter. Say it all in a  #hash tag in under a 130 characters. But say what? And say it to whom? I am still not sure what I am suppose to do with twitter.  I feel like a small fish in a very big sea. Sometimes though a fun thing happens, and you realize maybe the world is not so big and vast when it comes to people touching other people.  I love Masterchef Australia, and then I started watching Masterchef UK season 9, and I just finished it last night. It was quite enjoyable.  The cooking was amazing. One of the contestants you could not help but like and root for is a talented young lady named Natalie Coleman. She is a lovely person, humble, hard working, sweet and close to her family. She feeds her Grandpa and Uncle, to help look after them and because she loves them. She tries out her recipes on her Grandpa. He must love that.  She is a creative and talented cook. She seemed to have things so well thought out. I thought it must be her career in finance, she was so orderly and always made sense with her food. […]