How fast do you “type” now? Test your typing speed online

When I was in high school, I took a typing class twice and dropped out both times. (Yikes I think I am aging myself !) I have wanted to be a writer since I was quite young, and I knew I needed to learn how to type.  I truly hated typing class and gave up on the idea I would ever be a fast typist. Life moved on, I went into the corporate world  and had my own secretary so I actually never did have to learn how to type fast. Than came the internet and computers.  I have been working on the computer daily since 1998.  When my kids watch me type they have often said, “Wow Mom you are fast”.  I still feel slow, so I just dismissed their remarks. Then I found this fun little site that tests your speed. I thought it would fun to share it with all the people like me, who flunked out of typing or maybe data entry class and might be quite fast now! Give it a try. I have to say I was pretty darned thrilled that I could actually type 62 wpm! When I tested myself about 10 years […]