Email Marketing Programs. Why you need one to make money online.

Why do you need a professional email management program to make money and succeed online? I will tell you my story. When I started online in 1999, I hated spam, I hated email from” internet marketers”, and I resisted all advice to start building an email list. I got very annoyed at people sending me email trying to sell me things. As time went on, I watched people I knew whom I knew personally who had started online around the same time as I did start to make a lot of money, One of my mentors who had actually helped me learn how to build my first website using Xsite Pro is now an online guru, and multi-millionaire. He never spams people and when he sends me emails, I read them. Needless to say, I have had to rethink my approach to email marketing. I now realize I must build my list. Your email list is literally your gold. No matter what you do , author, teacher, life coach, editor, writing coach, sales, consulting,  offering products, small business, non profits, it does not matter, your email list will be where you are guaranteed to make money or sell your product. […]